Ceramics Innovation Residency

Want to incorporate digital fabrication methods into your ceramics practice?

This 2-month residency program is designed for experienced ceramic artists who are looking to expand their skill set and incorporate modern technology into their practice. During the residency, participants will have the opportunity to learn how to use tools such as a laser cutter, 3d printer, and CNC router to create unique and innovative ceramic pieces.

Residency Commitment

All classes will take place on Thursday evenings during the first month of residency, from 6pm to 9pm, and residents must be available during these times. All other hours throughout the week are flexible, but we ask that residents be at MakerLabs a minimum of 12 hours a week to be committed to the program. This includes class time, time spent meeting with mentors / mentees, and time spent working on projects. We encourage working in groups and meeting up with your mentor / mentee on a weekly basis.

Residents must document their experiences and work completed during the residency. This includes posting on the MakerLabs Instagram account at least once a week.  We also require three posts on our blog over the duration of the residency (one introductory post, one mid-way through post, and one post upon completion of the program).

Accommodation and travel
This must be arranged by the resident. 

Project legacy

  • All intellectual property will remain in possession of the residents

  • Anything built here is the property of the resident. If you want to leave the project at MakerLabs after the residency is over you will have to pay for storage.

  • Any documentation will be shared by MakerLabs through our website/social media etc

Residency Expectations

Month 1:

  • Create projects using the tools to incorporate them into your ceramics practice

    • LaserLab 101: Make a unique stamp with your signature or custom ribs

    • 3D Printing 101: Make unique forms that could be used for slip casting

    • CNC Router 101: Learn the basics of the CNC and create a box to hold tools

    • CNC Router 102: Take your knowledge to the next level and create MDF forms to make ceramic molds

  • Documentation: Introductory blog post, and weekly Instagram posts (at minimum)

Month 2:

  • Become mentors for the next cohort and meet up on a weekly basis

  • Continue to work on personal projects while receiving support

  • Documentation: Mid-way though and end of residency blog posts, and weekly Instagram posts (at minimum)

  • Create a summary of your body of work produced and lessons learned to be shared at a meet-up at the end of the residency.

About the Instructor

Thanh Nguyen (she / her)
Thanh is a creative tech educator with over a decade of experience in teaching creative technology and digital fabrication. She has spent many years developing specialized curricula focused on 3D and 2D Digital Design and Programming, and has been teaching some of those courses here at MakerLabs since 2020. While her background is geared mostly towards video game design and animation, Thanh is always exploring and looking at new ways to integrate digital art to physical fabrication.

Learn how to incorporate Laser Cutting, 3D Printing, and CNC Routers into your practice while getting support

During the first month, participants will receive hands-on training from experienced instructors on how to safely and effectively use the tools. Each week, residents will be introduced to a new tool, and will be encouraged to create projects using those tools that can be applied to their ceramics practice. 

During the second month, residents will continue to work on their own projects, and will become mentors for the next cohort.

Throughout the residency, residents will also have the opportunity to experiment and explore new techniques and processes under the guidance of support staff and mentors, and have access to a shared studio space.

At the end of the residency, participants will have the opportunity to showcase their work during the Monthly Maker Meet-up, allowing them to share their new creations with the community. This residency program is perfect for ceramic artists looking to push the boundaries of their work and explore new possibilities with the help of modern technology.

This residency is running on a first come, first served basis. The residency is on-going, with a new intake starting at the beginning of each month. For more details on specific class dates, please see the “Register Here” link below.

Details of the Residency

Length of residency
2 months

No. of residents per month
Max 4

Cost of residency 
$775 + tax + Any additional materials residents may use. Please note, there is also a $50 deposit for a fob, which will be refunded once the fob is returned at the end of the residency.

Included in residency

  • MakerLabs Extended Hours Membership (2 months)

  • Dedicated studio space

  • 1 bag of M340 clay

  • 5 Tool Orientations:

    • Ceramics Lab Orientation

    • LaserLab 101 & Intro to Inkscape

    • 3D Printing 101

    • CNC Router 101 (2D toolpaths)

    • CNC Router 102 (3D toolpaths and double sided machining)

  • Platform to share/exhibit work

  • Instructor and MakerLabs Guidance & Support to help execute your projects